Tours of the New Cemetery of Belgrade within the „ European Heritage Days”

The New Cemetery of Belgrade will once more participate in the cultural event „European Heritage Days”, which will take place from September 15 to October 2, 2017. Thanks to numerous memorials, architectural complexes, sculptures and sizeable number of significant individuals buried at this area, the New Cemetery of Belgrade constitutes a unique „Open-air museum”.  The visitors will be able to learn about the New Cemetery of Belgrade as a place where our material and non-material heritage meet and interconnect.

87th Anniversary of Death of the – New Cemetery’s founder dr Vladan Đorđević

Dr Vladan Đorđević was one of the most prominent figures of cultural, scientific and political life of 19th Century Serbia. In the medical field, he was the first Serbian physician specialized in surgery and a pioneer in experimental work in medicine. He was a founder of Serbian Medical Association, Serbian Red Cross Society, Association for Gymnastics and Wrestling – a predecessor to the Association “Dušan Silni” and “Sokol Movement”.

101 years from Petar Kočić’s Death

On August 27, 2017, there will be 101 years from death of great author and national tribune Petar Kočić. Petar Kočić was a prominent Serbian author, national activist against the Austrian occupation and social injustice in rural areas, who devoted his entire literary and political work to the national and social activism. He was Serbian representative in the Bosnian Parliament in 1910 and 1911. 

Festive celebration of St. Vitus Day -the Patron Saint Day of the Public Utility Company „Funeral Services “

A festive celebration of the PUC “Funeral Services” Patron Saint Day- Holy Martyr Prince Lazar and Serbian Holy Martyrs – St. Vitus Day, was held today in the St. Nicolas Church at the New Cemetery of Belgrade. The celebration was attended by the management of the PUC “Funeral Services”, Supervisory Board members, union representatives, employees,

120-years Anniversary of Death of Miloš Milojević marked at the New Cemetery of Belgrade

120-years Anniversary of death of Miloš Milojević was commemorated at the New Cemetery of Belgrade on June 24, 2017, in terms of commemoration and shorter memorial program. The commemoration and anniversary was attended by representatives of “Miloš Milojević Association” from Crna Bara, representatives of the local municipality, cultural institutions and decedents. Poet and philosopher Milan Mladnović spoke,

Lecture on Conservation of Field Marshal Radomir Putinik Burial Chapel at the New Cemetery of Belgrade

Following the initiative by the Central Conservation Institute, on Friday, June 16, 2017 a lecture entitled „Field Marshal Radomir Putnik Burial Chapel Conservation Project – Case Study” intended for students of Cultural heritage conservation course at the „Tehno-art” High School form Belgrade was held at the New Cemetery. The lecture was organized on the occasion of two important anniversaries: Centenary of Death of Field Marshal Radomir Putnik and fifteen years from the completion of conservatory works performed on the Field Marshal Radomir Putnik Burial Chapel.

„Days of Minsk in Belgrade“ – laying wreaths to the Memorial Cemetery of Belgrade Liberators (1944)

On the occasion of the event „Days of Minsk in Belgrade “, on Tuesday, June 6, 2017, the wreaths were laid at the Memorial Cemetery of Belgrade Liberators, monument to the Red Army Soldier, in addition to the monument dedicated to Belarusian soldiers killed in the course of the “Belgrade operation”. The wreaths laying ceremony was attended by Andrei Shoretz,

Free Tour of the New Cemetery on June 4, 2017 within the Week of Discovering European Cemeteries

The last of the guided tours of the New Cemetery within the spring cycle of thematic walks through this cultural heritage site of great importance for the Republic of Serbia will be carried out on June 4, 2017. This thematic walk entitled „Through the Alleys of the New Cemetery” will comprise the tour of the main alleys,

Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade Art History Department Student Practice

As a part of the 7th Student practice organized for the students of Art History Department of the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade, a special theme group “Architectural Monuments of the New Cemetery” was formed, due to significant interest among the students, in addition to exceptional cultural and historical value of the New Cemetery of Belgrade.

Representatives of the Public Utility Company „Grosuplje“ from Slovenia visiting the Public Utility Company „Funeral Services”

On May 26, 2017, the representatives of the Public Utility Company „Grosuplje“ from Slovenia visited the Public Utility Company Funeral Services. The visit was organized by the City of Belgrade Secretariat for Defense, Emergency Situations, Communications and Coordination of Public Relations. PUC “Funeral Services”, Dragan Baltovski greeted the guests in terms of short introduction, which was followed by the tour of the New Cemetery guided by art historian Violeta Obrenović.