Old Bežanija Cemetery, 4th Mustafe Golubića St.4
Manager: Boris Kovačević
Contact: 064/8554-288
e-mail: boris.kovacevic@beogradskagroblja.rs
Phone: + 00 381 11 21 78 942 + 00 381 11 21 64 942
From 07 tо 15 hrs, exept on Sunday
All the information regarding the Old Bežanija Cemetery, can be obtained at New Bežanija Cemetery or at 24-hour Call Centre.
- Scheduling funerals
- Scheduling the exhumations
- Selling of the funeral equipment and flowers
- Decreasing of the costs
- Contracting for the transport services
- Contracting for stonemason services
- Payment of lease and annual maintenance
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